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  • Bookings are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, with a priority registration procedure available for re-enrolling students.

  • An acknowledgment email will be sent to all parents to confirm receipt of their child’s registration. Please contact us at if you do not receive an acknowledgment email from us.

  • Please check the time, date and venue carefully and take note of any statutory holidays as outlined on the schedule and confirmation email. No further reminder will be made.

  • You are to inform JR. Wanderers Pte Ltd should you wish to make any changes after the registration is processed.



  • A one-time mandatory registration fee of $50 is required upon enrollment for all new child(ren).

  • Parents who re-enroll their child(ren) after a cessation of classes for more than 6 months will also be required to pay the registration fee again.

  • Term fees are to be paid by the due date stipulated upon receipt of registration acknowledgment email or before the commencement of each term. If fees are not paid on time, JR. Wanderers Pte Ltd reserves the right to refuse your child(ren)’s participation in our classes.

  • All fees are non-refundable once the course has commenced, unless for special consideration. Please refer to our refund and make-up class policy.

  • For siblings enrolling simultaneously, the registration fees are pro-rated at checkout. The pro-rated amount will be calculated based on the number of siblings and applied accordingly.



  • An additional fee of $20 per child is required for the purchase of the Wanderers Training Top, which is compulsory for participation. This fee is included in the total fee of $70 per child upon checking out [Shipping Fee].



  • No guarantee is made that classes will run per the timetable. Any changes required will be communicated to those affected via email or telephone prior to the date classes commence.

  • In the event of a venue closure due to unforeseen circumstances, classes will be canceled and make-up will be scheduled where possible. In such cases, no refund or credit will be issued.

  • In the interest of the child(ren)’s safety, we reserve the right to cancel courses and make-up will be scheduled where possible. In such cases, no refund or credit will be issued.

  • We reserve the right to change course times, venues and dates at our discretion. Parents will be notified of any changes in advance whenever possible.​


  • In the case of a venue being unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances, a suitable make-up date will be offered. No refund will be provided.



  • All training will take place as scheduled.

  • All players are to arrive in trainers and bring boots along. 

  • Session will not be cancelled due to lightning alerts. We will proceed to work on our Wet Weather Programme. (Multi-Purpose Hall nearby)


Poor Weather Conditions

  • Our Wet Weather Programme will continue to take place in the Multi-Purpose Hall nearby. 


Lightning Alert

  • When lightning alert is in effect, all field training will cease for safety reasons and within nationwide policy. The lighting warning alert will depend on the policy of the venue. 

  • If a lightning alert comes on during a training session, the players will proceed to work on our Wet Weather Programme. (Multi-Purpose Hall nearby)

  • If lightning alert is in effect before session commences, the coaches proceed to work on our Wet Weather Programme. (Multi-Purpose Hall nearby) The session is then deemed valid and irreplaceable.



  • JR. Wanderers Pte Ltd is not responsible for any injury to participants, or damages or loss of property as a result of participation in our courses. Participants are expected to abide by the regulations of the facility. This will be strictly enforced and we reserve the right to ask anyone who does not abide by the rules to leave immediately.



  • If you would like to request a refund for your purchase, please email us at with the reason for your refund request.

  • Usually, if an item is purchased in error, it will be refunded. Other requests for a refund will be done on a case-by-case basis.

  • We will accept requests for a refund provided that we receive the request within 7 days of the initial purchase.

  • All refunds will be issued within 14 days of the refund request.



  • If your child(ren) is unable to attend a class, a make-up class is available only if we have had prior notification of non-attendance.

  • We cannot guarantee there will be availability in all classes for a make-up class. Hence, kindly inform us of your choice of make-up class in advance and we will get back to you with regards to availability.

  • Refund can only be in the event of special consideration such as an extended period of sickness. The request for a refund has to be made through email, together with medical documentation of a minimum sick period of 10 days. Medical documentation must be submitted within a week of the absence.

  • No refund will be made for students missing a lesson for any reason except for an extended period of sickness.



  • At times, video recordings of classes will be made for the purpose of coaches' training, skill analysis, quality assurance and promotion on social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. We may also take photos of participants for use in publicity material. If you do not want your child(ren) to be photographed or videoed in class, please inform us via email.

  • The information collected JR. Wanderers Pte Ltd will be kept confidential. You have the right to obtain access to and request correction of any information held by us concerning you and your child(ren). Requests for such access should be made via email.



  • Information provided will be used for the purposes of;

   (a) Processing your registration for enrolment

   (b) Administration after enrolment

       (i) Providing you with information about other activities offered by JR. Wanderers

      Pte Ltd (If you do not wish to receive any information about our activities, please

      inform us via email).



  • I affirm that my child(ren) has my consent to participate in any programme(s) offered by JR. Wanderers. 

  • I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury to participants in these programs, and I agree to assume the full risk of any and all injuries, damages or loss, regardless of severity, that my minor child or I may sustain as a result of said participation. 

  • I understand that there is an element of risk inherent in sports, and as parent/legal guardian of the child(ren), I take full responsibility for his/her actions and physical condition. Furthermore, I understand that certain risks, dangers, and injuries due to things such as inclement weather, slipping, falling, poor skill level or conditioning, carelessness, horseplay, unsportsmanlike conduct, premises defect, inadequate or defective equipment, inadequate supervision, instruction or officiating, and all other circumstances inherent to sports programs exist. 

  • Therefore, it is recognized that it is impossible for JR. Wanderers Pte Ltd to guarantee absolute safety. 


*We reserve the right to amend our policies from time to time.

Parent's / Guardian's Waiver

  • I release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless JR. Wanderers Pte Ltd and its representatives, volunteers, coaches, and venue in which program is being held, from all claims or liability for loss, damages and/or injuries, to the named child(ren) and/or any third parties person or property; caused by and resulting from any causes whatsoever. 


  • I hereby give my consent for JR. Wanderers Pte Ltd to use any photos / videos of myself and/or my child(ren), in future JR. Wanderers Pte Ltd brochures, flyers, social media, websites, photos and videos of its programs and their participants, which may be used for promotional and instructional purposes. Furthermore, I understand that all such photos/videos remain as the property of  JR. Wanderers Pte Ltd.


  • ​I have read and understand all the terms and conditions.

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